Saturday Spamday

This blog.

Just kidding, subscribe to the right and keep reading (thank you).

– Words by Jeff

Now With Twice As Many Authors!

I am excited to announce that another writer is joining Don’t Advertise to Me.

From here on all posts will be marked with the name of the author, either myself , Jeff Osborn, or JR Stuck.

Stuck – like me – is a passionate novice. He has experience writing for blogs and even more experience being bombarded by frustratingly ineffective advertisements.

This blog is – more than anything – an exercise for myself. I learn a lot about my industry by seeking out, thinking about and ultimately analyzing advertising campaigns in this space. I am  happy – and surprised –  that people follow and read the blog, and I am very much looking forward to sharing the insights of another writer and the expanded perspective this addition will provide.

Thank you for reading and I invite you to check out JR Stuck’s first post tomorrow!

by Jeff Osborn


The Last Hiatus

“Hiatus” is one hell of a word.

I have used it on this blog before while attempting to rationalize breaks I have taken in writing here.

The truth is that the word, and everything that follows is often an excuse.

The other truth is that it does not matter why I have not written on this blog for two full months. What matters is what happens next.

Words are fine and dandy, but their power comes from the action behind them.

Thank you

This little blog had its most views earlier this week (Monday) following a surge of likes and follows the previous two weeks, All because of you. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the support and feedback.

I want to take this opportunity to tell all of you how grateful I am.

Thank you.

Rumble Marketing

I just discovered a new marketing blog, at least new to me, that is worth sharing.

It is called Rumble Marketing and besides being a fantastic blog that focuses on social media, it is written by a fellow Seattlite (the real reason I like it.

This is the best marketing blog I have discovered in a while.

I thought I had found all I needed, but I was wrong!

back on it!

Ok, I’m back. I know I only had a few readers to begin with but I was away longer than I originally posted. I thought I’d get back into the swing of things around the beginning of August at the latest. Here it is, the end of September and I have posted once since June. That is all about to change.

Thank you for sticking with me!