Give Thanks

I’m blessed.

I have a beautiful wife and I spend my days working on things I’m passionate about. Any complaints I have can be filed under first world problems and I’m given wonderful, amazing opportunities every day.

I’m grateful for all I have. This little soapbox included.

One of my other endeavors ( is turning into a full-time job, which is yet another blessing. With the success of Showgo comes some decisions about how and where to spend my time.

I really enjoy writing this blog, but today marks my last post indefinitely. This is one of my hobbies that will be toughest to drop, as I really enjoy writing, learning and sharing for and with you all.

Stuck and I will continue to post from time to time, but we can no longer guarantee regular, timely posts.

We have a modest following at best, but we are both proud of what we’ve achieved and for the readers that check us out and interact with Don’t Advertise to Me. Thank you all!

My wish for you all this Thanksgiving is that you will find happiness and comfort in your family and friends.

Best wishes for the entire holiday season and the New Year. I hope our paths will cross again soon.

– Jeff

Saturday Spamday

This blog.

Just kidding, subscribe to the right and keep reading (thank you).

– Words by Jeff

going south?


I  like Southwest. As a company, they innovate, make their own map, and stand up for the little guy. They are one of the few bright spots in a terrible US Airline market.

This commercial though? Disappointing.

the test of ownership

I mentioned on Monday that I have been seeing three really great car commercials recently. The first two are Dodge Dart commercials. The third is this beauty from Chrysler.

The Test Of Ownership

The writing in this ad is strong. Really strong. This thirty second version is more powerful to me than the other versions I have seen because it is short and impactful.

Think about the word “Ownership” for a moment. Without you even knowing it, that word triggers all kinds of little emotions and reactions in your brain.

But as good as the writing is, the imagery is what really makes this ad for me.

I can’t look away. I feel like they put an amazing amount of emotion into 30 seconds. The editing, pacing, and direction are a head above 99.9 per cent of commercials on TV.

I hate bad ads as much as the next person. But I will give credit to skillful, crafted ads like this anytime they come around.

The problem? They almost never do.

the art of the dart

I have seen three very good car commercials recently, both from Dodge for the same car: The illustrious Dart. (I will post about the third one later this week.)

These two advertisements are awesomely irreverent, fun, goofy, and fast-paced. Best of all though, they are catchy.


How To Change Cars Forever:


I cannot stress the importance of being catchy in this day and age enough. Perhaps catchy is not the right word anymore. I have heard people use “Stickiness” and others. I have yet to find the word, but how ever you want to put it, your marketing needs to have staying power in the mind of your audience.

In music, they call them ear worms. You know, those songs that get stuck in your head for days. Those tunes that are sitting in your brain when you wake up, and when you are trying to fall asleep. For me, part of the success of these new (fabulous) Dart commercials is their brain worminess.


How To Make The Most Hi-Tech Car


They are not the funniest or most clever commercials. But they are so fast-paced, clean, and smile-inducingly familiar that I cannot help but think about them long after I have seen them. The music is perfectly matched to the vibe of the ads. The first commercial, How To Change Cars Forever, is crafty, artful, brash, and more clever every time you watch it.
I cannot say whether or not the Dodge Dart will change cars forever, but their ads just may change car ads in the near future.

back on it!

Ok, I’m back. I know I only had a few readers to begin with but I was away longer than I originally posted. I thought I’d get back into the swing of things around the beginning of August at the latest. Here it is, the end of September and I have posted once since June. That is all about to change.

Thank you for sticking with me!

five minute post

I am amazed that anyone reads my blog. Amazed and humbled and grateful.

Granted, my little space here is free for you to visit. My posts are short and written at a fourth-grade level (a knock on my own skill, not your reading ability), so they are a breeze to read and understand.

But with so many other options of blogs and websites to read, I find it flabbergasting and flattering that you choose to spend time on mine.

I woke up a little later than I wanted to, so I only had five minutes to post this morning and I could not think of a better way to spend those five minutes than to pause and recognize how remarkable it is that you are reading this.

I appreciate each and every one of you, my readers. Attention is one of the most valuable commodities today, and certainly it is the most valuable in Internet-land. I want you to know that I appreciate you and the time you spend, short though it may be, reading what I write on a nearly daily basis.

Thank you!